Barclays has cut mortgage rates again and is undercutting the competition with a rate of 3.96% on its Green Home mortgage.
Mortgage fees on fixed-rate deals have risen since 2020 with customers now typically paying £1,129 on this additional cost.
Can you release equity from your home and still maintain ownership of the entire property? This is the question equity ...
Where are the best yields for landlords considering Houses in Multiple Occupation as part of their property portfolio? Hiten ...
House prices increased by 3.9% over the year in February with the average UK property now worth £270,493 according to the ...
Nationwide has cut mortgage rates for the third time this month and is now offering a deal at 3.99%. The price cuts, which ...
Landlords looking for a two-year fixed rate mortgage will find prices have fallen in the last year, according to new data ...
Now in their 32nd year, the what MORTGAGE Awards continue to recognise and celebrate excellence within the mortgage industry. These awards highlight the achievements of the finest banks, building ...
Wondering if you earn enough to take out a mortgage or whether you need a bigger deposit? In his latest Q&A, Darren Polson ...