Receive free articles, highlights from the archive, news, details of prizes, and much more. Thomas W Hodgkinson - There Was No Sorcerer Thomas W Hodgkinson: There Was No Sorcerer - Box Office Poison: ...
Blake Gopnik’s life of Andy Warhol is less the chronicle of an advance towards death than a protracted postmortem. Gopnik begins halfway through, at what must have seemed to Warhol like the end. In ...
You might shrink from calling a leading Chinese author inscrutable, if that wasn’t the way the Chinese see him too. But Ah Cheng is as much puzzled-over in his homeland as he is widely read. At first ...
Stephan Thernstrom, 56, a professor at Harvard University for 25 years, is considered one of the pre-eminent scholars of the history of race relations in America. He has tenure. He has won prizes and ...
I have often heard it said that Lt-Gen Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart, VC, KBE, CB, CMG, DSO, provided the model for Evelyn Waugh’s immortal Brigadier Ritchie-Hook. Carton de Wiart won his Cross, and was ...
Britpop has morphed into Litpop. Brett Anderson, of the electrifying neo-glam outfit Suede, and Luke Haines, of the archly provocative Auteurs, have each published two volumes of memoirs; Alex James ...
There are three rules for avoiding a cinematic flop. Rule one: don’t pick a title that is boring, misleading or hard to pronounce. The title wasn’t the only thing that was bad about the misfiring ...
In the mid-1990s, I was researching the Cultural Revolution and living in the Inner Mongolian area of China. Although we foreigners hardly suspected it at the time, this was a more liberal, open ...
The production and export of cars, machinery and chemicals lay behind the German ‘economic miracle’ of the 20th century. Yet the German economy is now struggling. @HowardJDavies considers who is to ...
Buildings do a better job of surviving than people, sometimes by thousands of years. Indeed, we regard a building as a failure if it does not outlive the people who built it. There’s a joke in the ...
The late American president Ronald Reagan told a press conference in 1986: ‘The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”’ That remark ...
When Ronald Reagan campaigned for the presidency in 1980 at the age of sixty-nine, his hardline views were already widely known. Supporters admired him for his clarity of vision, especially on the ...