Miss Manners cannot promise that they will develop the same aesthetic and sentimental attachment to the set that you seem to ...
And what about business emails? Are they OK on the weekends? Whatever happened to making a phone call instead of sending ...
I have responded by telling them politely that the issue is a private family matter, and that I prefer not to discuss it with ...
Dear Miss Manners: I’m a physician, so I am used to people addressing me as “Dr. Jones.” That includes both patients and ...
FutureMe Lets Me Write Letters to My Future Self . FutureMe is a website that lets you write letters to your future self in ...
GENTLE READER: You do your late friend no honor by snubbing her children, at least one of whom she trusted enough to name as ...
GENTLE READER: You do your late friend no honor by snubbing her children, at least one of whom she trusted enough to name as ...
It always makes me feel fat and unattractive ... Nor, Miss Manners uncharacteristically assures you, is making thoughtless strangers feel better. (Please send your questions to Miss Manners ...
"Officer Duncan" will then tell you where you should send the bail money. In this scenario, your familiarity with the person should be the first red flag, and the "officer" who pressures you to ...
In Doug Ford’s address to Ontario regarding the Canada and U.S. trade war, the Ontario premier said Queen’s University should be “embarrassed” that Elon Musk studied there. Ford made the comment while ...
Especially, you should avoid eating them right after eating your meal. One of the most common arguments for this statement is that sugar plus carbohydrates plus bacteria may result in the fermentation ...