As the blossoms bloom and the air fills with the promise of renewal, springtime beckons us to invite fresh energy to flow ...
We all want a stylish home, and keeping up with the latest design styles is the easiest way to ensure your space looks chic, ...
Wetlands can be vibrant areas teeming with plants and wildlife, but swamps and bogs tend to be symbolic stand-ins for sadness ...
Feng shui is all about optimizing your spaces so that positive energy flows freely into and around them. But there are some ...
Feng Shui , an ancient Chinese practice, focuses on harmonizing the flow of energy (Chi) in a space to promote well-being, ...
Instead, inroducing gold accents and decor is a great way to implement this lucky colour at home. According to the principles of Feng Shui, gold is a lucky colour because it represents prosperity, ...
Chinese art is booming. The country has been experiencing a major economic uplift for more than a decade and you can feel that in the art world too.
In the ancient Chinese art of feng shui, the positioning of your sofa is very important ... and you should be able to see your sofa from your room’s entry point, and have a wall behind you. 'Placing ...
I “shopped” my apartment for decor, too, and found a citrine crystal (which has fire elements) to place in the corner of the dresser — proof that you don’t need to go out and buy anything new to give ...