State Sen. Charles Schwertner wants the state to sign off on rate increases above 10% and for regulators to more clearly ...
A Houston man was sentenced to eight years in prison after pleading guilty earlier this month in Bryan’s 85th District Court.
The plan is aimed at punishing landlords without shutting off service for tenants. Last month, there were nine complexes that owed more than $50,000.
The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in Tarrant County, alleges the keying of the car was the result of a growing movement that urges ...
A judge recently issued a protective order against Worthy after his arrest on a family violence charge, which was later dropped.
In most chapter 11 cases, existing first lien lenders provide post-petition financing to preserve collateral value and maximize recovery. In ...
A Central Texas attorney is suing the U.S. Department of Education ... Morgan stated she began paying her loans in 2017 and has been doing so each month for the past eight years. She claims she was ...
Initial filings for unemployment benefits in Texas rose last week compared with the week prior, the U.S. Department of Labor said Thursday. New jobless claims, a proxy for layoffs, increased to ...
GRAY – Following the lead of President Donald Trump, Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed an executive order Thursday that directs state agencies to change all references to the Gulf of Mexico in ...
The measles outbreak in West Texas is linked with cases in New Mexico, officials said Tuesday, as well as new cases reported in Oklahoma. This brings the total number of cases to 258 across three ...