EPFL and SDU researchers advance tomographic volumetric AM (TVAM) - using HoloTile to yield high-fidelity 3D printed objects.
New data reveals a 3-million-light-year filament connecting two galaxies, each of which hosts a supermassive black hole.
Researchers have been trying to find new ways to produce and replicate the various useful features observed in nature. Fine ...
Cancer models developed with 3D bioprinting technology allow for rapid evaluation of individual drug responses.
Higharc, a cloud-based design solution for US timber frame housing, has just demonstrated impressive new AI capabilities ...
While traditional 3D printers work by depositing layers of material, tomographic volumetric additive manufacturing (TVAM) ...
A novel 3D bioprinted gastric cancer model using patient-derived tissues predicts drug responses, enhancing personalized ...
He said the existing military defense systems, such as the THAAD missile defense battery and Navy Aegis-equipped vessels, focus solely on military assets and do little to protect Guam’s civilian ...
Developed by researchers at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the soft robotic joint allows for versatility of movement, ...
US researchers are developing wireless charging roads for EVs, enabling in-motion charging and optimizing grid load demand ...
THAAD is designed to stop incoming missiles in their terminal, or descent, phase of flight, while Aegis makes its intercept in the mid-course phase, outside Earth’s atmosphere, before the ...