An effective consumer complaint letter can boost your chances of getting a favorable outcome. While drafting a complaint letter, make sure it has the following elements: 1. Your Contact Details: Add ...
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, which advocate for millions of taxpayers, workers, and consumers across America, we urge you to support the approval of the Congressional Review Act (CRA) ...
The clock is ticking for 1.6 million people in Washington State to maintain access to their health care providers as they ...
In response to President Donald Trump’s revocation of  Executive Order 14112—originally signed by President Joe Biden to ...
VATICAN CITY (RNS) — In a letter sent to about 20 women who said they were abused by the Slovenian artist and former Jesuit ...
It took a healthy environment for growth, and that's exactly what Mayor Troup created. He played the long game, knowing ...
Me has filed for bankruptcy, and CEO Anne Wojcicki is resigning. It once helped usher in the era of consumer DNA test kits ...
We often settle legal malpractice claims before they result in a publicly filed lawsuit. Many of our clients, who are lawyers ...
Exclusive new testing by Consumer Reports highlights safer formulas while also identifying some that contain potentially ...