Governador Wanderlei Barbosa anuncia quitação de R$ 80 milhões em dívidas do Servir, herdadas de gestões anteriores - Crédito ...
Um homem de 41 anos foi preso nesta sexta-feira (21) em Nova Olinda, norte do Tocantins, por estupro de vulnerável. Ele foi ...
A cerimônia de abertura ocorreu no auditório da Escola de Formação Continuada dos Profissionais da Educação (Eape), na Asa ...
For 2019, the Tucson gets a mid-cycle freshening that helps it keep pace with redesigned or revised competitors, including such sales leaders as the Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV4 and Nissan Rogue.
We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you non-personalized ads. Find out more in our privacy policy and cookie policy OK ...
Plant and animal foods rich in vitamin A include liver, sweet potatoes, spinach, cantaloupe, eggs, and many more. Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that supports vision, the immune system, and major ...
Watch the Final Trailer for A Minecraft Movie, the upcoming live-action film based on the hit game franchise Minecraft distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. Embark on an adventure to save a ...
Lipoprotein(a), or Lp(a), is a protein that transports cholesterol in the blood. High levels of Lp(a) in the blood can increase the likelihood of plaques or blood clots forming in the arteries. As ...
O Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (Saeb) 2025 contará com novidades na aplicação deste ano. Para apresentar as mudanças e discutir os desafios e avanços do sistema de avaliação, o Instituto ...
I purchased the All new 2019 Ram 1500 in July of 2019. Worst experience of my life! What an utter unfunny joke of a truck. Literally everything that could go wrong did! Truck broke down leaving me ...
Standards and guidelines for development co-operation with concrete examples of their implementation ...