Here’s how it works. Hogwarts Legacy Fluxweed Stem is an ingredient you'll need during your time at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Professor Garlick, the herbology teacher, gives you an ...
All’s Well That Ends Bell is another side quest in Hogwarts Legacy that contains ... the bell puzzle is to wait until you complete Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 for Wingardium Leviosa.
All the Professors in Harry Potter were once Hogwarts students, but what house was Dumbledore in and what houses were the Hogwarts teachers? The Harry Potter series establishes that Harry's ...
Hogwarts Legacy's Infamous Foes can be significant in some side quests, but a sequel should strive to make them wholly unique ...
and defeating all of them is necessary for those going for 100% completion in Hogwarts Legacy. Those that manage to get the Charms Professor DLC items will be able to compete in Summoner's Court ...