Brian May isn’t giving up on new Queen material just yet. May, best known for being the lead guitarist of Queen, alongside ...
Rossi said of Freddie Mercury: “As everyone was decamping out of Live Aid, Freddie bent me over a desk, in a half-nelson, held me down and I couldn’t move. Fuck, he was strong!” But there was one star ...
There are rock n' roll lead singers and then there is Freddie Mercury. His flamboyant stage persona and four-octave vocal ...
The average rate on a 30-year mortgage in the U.S. fell six weeks in a row from 7.04% in mid-January to 6.76% last week, the Associated Press reported, citing mortgage buyer Freddie Mac.
MCLEAN, Va. (AP) — Freddie Mac says the average rate on a 30-year mortgage fell to 6.63% this week, its lowest level since mid-December.
There are three Mercury retrograde dates in 2025, when the planet of communication appears to travel backward in the sky and infamously creates a chaotic energy that affects each zodiac sign.
The upcoming second season of Doctor Who is just around the corner and the BBC has just given us another reason to be excited for it with the casting of Freddie Fox as a new villain character. Fox ...
Because of his deep-rooted love for his self-made Red Special guitar, it’s taken Brian May half a century of noise-making to get his first official signature guitar. His Gibson SJ-200 12-string is the ...
Early into the 2016 season, Freddie Freeman and the Atlanta Braves struggled to get anything going. While they came into the season with some excitement, much of that quickly disappeared after ...
Which of Queen's most famous songs did guitarist Brian May write? Picture: Gus Stewart/Redferns/Getty Freddie Mercury was the mastermind behind Bohemian Rhapsody and countless other Queen hits ...
This allows Freddie Mac to cut the note up into multiple pieces or pools but, to the Borrower, the Loan will still function as a single note with one regular payment. Most of the documents have a ...
OROVILLE — The city of Oroville is seeking to take a hard stance in compliance with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrests. The City Council will consider declaring Oroville a “non ...