Around 200 cups, in Europe alone, are said to be the Holy Grail. But what make one cup holy - but not another?
Scientists debate if a fresco depicting a smiling Virgin Mary at Gumusler Monastery in Cappadocia, is original or a ...
Salt Lake City — the locale for SEEK25 (along with Washington, D.C.), the annual FOCUS conference being livestreamed on EWTN ...
Café Mom, second Wednesday of every month, 2-3:30 p.m. at the Massad Family YMCA. Open to the community. Meet other moms of all stages and ages. Cost $10. Refreshments and child care provided.
Many Catholic parishes will give their parishioners a piece of chalk, a small bottle of holy water, and the words for the ...
Though their prayers came from the depths of a church basement, God heard the appeals for a new place of worship. The congregation of St. Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Church had been worshipping in the ...
Norman worked most of his life as a dairy farmer. He enjoyed painting. He also enjoyed reading and essentially keeping busy.
Often after we go through deliverance, there are steps we need to take to make sure the demons don’t return or new demons don ...
A new restoration of a church in Mexico has revealed a host of resplendent 16th-century religious paintings that once spanned ...