Legends lore suggests Maul's tattoos were part of Sidious' torturous Sith training.
The labored breathing accompanied by a foreboding rumbling tone that can give you chills made Darth Vader one of the more dreaded villains to ever appear on screen.
Have you ever met someone and instantly know their political views by how they sip their oat milk latte or rock a NASCAR hat? You’re engaging in political projection—the fine art of assuming that ...
Art By Luke Ross; Color By Nolan Woodard; Lettering By Joe Joe Caramagna The Legacy of Vader follows Ben Solo/Kylo Ren on a ...
The shadow of Darth Vader is impossible to escape in the Star Wars galaxy, and Marvel’s Star Wars: Legacy of Vader #2 is here to remind everyone why. Whether ...
Perkins wrote that his ideal film, if budget was no concern, would be “the collected dreams and nightmares of Darth Vader told as short stories.” Given this is an AMA, there is no clear way to ...
Ian McDiarmid almost didn't play Palpatine due to another actor's casting. McDiarmid's portrayal of Palpatine spans all Star Wars trilogies, solidifying his irreplaceable legacy. Lucas considered ...
Save 20% and recreate one of the most iconic looks in cinematic history with this Darth Vader helmet. Made up of 834 pieces, the finished set makes a striking display piece. Our Darth Vader helmet ...
The Empire is full of great looking uniforms — the stormtroopers and their variants, the Imperial officers’ uniforms, the TIE pilots, Darth Vader — and fans wondered just how the Emperor ...