For hundreds of years experts have been trying to find answers as to how the great Minoan civilization of Crete came to an ...
Rajiv Nigam claimed that evidence of changes in sea level in the past are everywhere, including in the Gita, Quran, and Bible ...
Understanding these ancient tsunami dynamics is not just about reconstructing the past. With modern asteroid-tracking ...
A species of clam discovered in Funakoshi Bay, Iwate Prefecture, after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster was judged to have been 135 years old when it died, ranking it as among the oldest ...
This extraordinary series of over 1,200 earthquakes, which experts feared could end in a massive quake and tsunami, brought alive her 25 years of research on ancient tsunamis and seismic events in the ...
On March 11, 2011, a major earthquake and a subsequent tsunami caused the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan. In 2004, ...
Gelfenbaum G. and Jaffe B. 2003. Erosion and Sedimentation from the 17 July, 1998 Papua New Guinea Tsunami. Pure and Applied Geophysics 160:1969–1999. Goodman ...
The formations, averaging 52 feet in height and spanning 900 square miles, offer new insights into the force of the ancient tsunami and its global impact. Scientists suggest these findin ...
Future research would involve digging on the Falklands to try to find deposits from ancient tsunami. “You maybe even want to sample the drift to see what it consists of, what the shear strength ...