An early Alzheimer's treatment that removes amyloid plaques from the brain many years before symptoms arise may help delay ...
Protein clumps in the brain have long been associated with Alzheimer’s, but other potential causes of the condition are now ...
But new data from a recent clinical trial suggests that a previously discontinued experimental drug, called gantenerumab, ...
For the first time, scientists say, they have evidence that using a biologic drug to remove sticky beta amyloid plaques from ...
For the study, the researchers gave the study participants an experimental anti-amyloid drug. They found that 22 participants ...
The first evidence that removing amyloid plaques may delay Alzheimer’s symptoms has now been published. In The Lancet Neurology on March 19, scientists led by Randall Bateman at Washington University ...
The findings suggest -- for the first time in a clinical trial -- that early treatment to remove amyloid plaques from the brain many years before symptoms arise can delay the onset of Alzheimer's ...
An illustration depicts cells in an Alzheimer’s-affected brain, with abnormal levels of beta amyloid protein clumping together to form plaques that collect between neurons and disrupt cell function.
A new study has found that an experimental drug appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’ s-related dementia in people ...