This Leonard Peltier documentary is narrated by the one and only Robert Redford and has a whopping 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Dive in.
An executive order that commutes the life prison sentence of Leonard Peltier has been officially filed with the U.S. Clerk of Court in Fargo. Peltier’s surprise commutation was announced by former President Joe Biden,
The ailing Native American rights activist has been in prison for nearly 50 years after the U.S. government lied to put him there.
HuffPost unpacks why Joe Biden granting clemency to Native American activist Leonard Peltier in the final moments of his presidency is so significant.
In the final hours of President Joe Biden’s term, he granted Leonard Peltier clemency through commutation, allowing him to serve his life sentence at home on the Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation in North Dakota.
President Biden commuted the prison sentence of Leonard Peltier, an imprisoned Native American rights activist, using his final minutes of presidential power on Monday to free a man who has spent nearly 50 years in federal prison after he was convicted of murder in connection with the killing of two F.B.I. agents.
Former President Biden commuted the life sentence of Native American activist Leonard Peltier, who was convicted in the 1975 killings of two FBI agents, against the urgings of former FBI Director Christopher Wray.
This is something that we always prepared for," producer Jhane Myers told Yahoo Entertainment about the documentary's contingency plan.
Biden commuted the life sentence of Indigenous activist Peltier, who was convicted in the 1975 killings of two FBI agents.
The documentary selection at this year's Sundance celebrates the work of multiple BIPOC filmmakers shedding light on untold narratives of both celebrated and unduly neglected figures from their communities.
Trump commuted the sentence of local Volusia County Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs, who was serving 17 years for his role in Capitol riot.