The Texas House on Thursday filed a sweep of education bills including public school finance and school voucher proposals.
Supporters of voucher-like education savings accounts are trying to press their advantage early and build a sense of ...
A recent budget analysis noted the Texas Senate’s voucher bill could affect the fund if it leads students and teachers to ...
Families participating in the program could receive about 85% of the amount public schools collect for each attending student ...
Public school advocates oppose any plan resembling school vouchers saying such programs drain resources from the campuses ...
The Texas House has filed its school voucher bill. The legislation differs in several ways from what the Senate has already ...
In addition to its ESA proposal, the Texas House has also filed a funding bill that would invest billions in public schools.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said school choice won't take away funding from Texas high school football, but many coaches are ...
The House bill filed by state Rep. Brad Buckley would offer private school vouchers to all Texas students, including home-schoolers.
Texas House and Senate propose differing school voucher plans; the House links vouchers to public school funding levels.
The Texas Senate’s voucher program would give families $10,000 to fund students’ private school education. “A public school ...
Texas PTA members are calling on lawmakers to address the teacher shortage, school funding, better mental health services for ...