Pedro Loza, now 74, recalls the exact moment he realized he would have to settle in the United States, despite his dream of returning to reside once again in his beloved Mexico. He was working in ...
Mr. Palermo is the author of In His Own Right: The Political Odyssey of Senator Robert F. Kennedy (Columbia University Press, 2001). In the past two months there has been the emergence of glowing ...
Mr. Kimball is a professor of history at Miami University and the author of several books including To Reason Why and Nixon's Vietnam War. His most recent book is The Vietnam War Files: Uncovering the ...
Jim Cullen, who teaches at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in New York, is a book review editor at HNN. His new book, Sensing the Past: Hollywood Stars and Historical Visions, was recently ...
Mr. Jaschik is one of the three founders of Inside Higher Ed, where this piece first appeared. With Doug Lederman, he leads the editorial operations of Inside Higher Ed, overseeing news content, ...
Mr. Lambers is the author of Ending World Hunger: School Lunches for Kids Around the World and the forthcoming title The Roadmap to End Global Hunger. It was in November, 1945 that the Cincinnati ...
Mr. Cullen teaches at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in New York and is the author of Born in the USA: Bruce Springsteen and the American Tradition among other books. He blogs at American ...
David T. Beito as an associate professor of history at the University of Alabama and Linda Royster Beito is chair of the Department of Social Sciences at Stillman College. They are writing a biography ...
John Willingham is a former election official in Texas. He now writes about history, culture, and election issues. He holds an MA in American history from the University of Texas at Austin. The last ...
Wesley Millett and Gerald White are the authors of The Rebel and the Rose. In April 1865, the Civil War ended for most Americans. The war, and its various aspects, continues to capture the interest ...
Mr. Strobridge is a retired public utility manager and one of the founders of the Order of Minor Historians, a group of history buffs. He is working on a biography of James H. Strobridge, ...
Jonathan Israel is Professor of History at the Institute for Advanced Study. His latest book is "A Revolution of the Mind: Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy" ...