Na­tion­al Un­der-17 coach Ayan­na Rus­sell and her charges in­tend to be dis­ci­plined in their ap­proach to the Unit­ed States when the teams tan­gle at 7 pm Mon­day night at the Ato Boldon ...
Ja­maica Un­der-20 cap­tain Jaileah Mcpher­son has been in­clud­ed in the Reg­gae Girlz squad to face Mex­i­co in two away friend­ly In­ter­na­tion­als on April 5 & 6 in Kansas City, USA.
J&K Sig­na­ture Styles has moved from its orig­i­nal lo­ca­tion in Port-of-Spain from up­per Fred­er­ick Street to a small­er lo­ca­tion down­town Fred­er­ick St.