Fathom was created by BICOM in 2012 to make a balanced and expert case for rejecting the demonising frameworks and ...
Lyn Julius is the author of Uprooted: how 3,000 years of Jewish civilisation in the Arab world vanished overnight, published by Vallentine Mitchell in 2018. The Farhud is the name given to the ...
At the age of 40, having worked as a teacher and an official in the Israeli education ministry while raising a family with her then-husband, the playwright Yosef Bar-Yosef, Hamutal Bar-Yosef switched ...
Samuel Nurding: Why did you create the Wasatia Initiative and what does the term mean? Mohammed S. Dajani-Daoudi: On a Friday morning during the month of Ramadan back in late 2006 I was standing on ...
Photo by Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Creative Commons licence.
Tolstoy famously wrote that ‘All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.’ The Abu Fraiha family – the subject of a beautiful and moving documentary In ...
Alex Chalmers was co-Chair of Oxford University Labour Club until he resigned in February, alleging that a ‘large proportion’ of club members had ‘some kind of problem with Jews’, while many used the ...
Albert Memmi, who died recently, was a Jew, an Arab, a Zionist, an anti-colonialist, a secularist, a socialist, a nationalist, and a universalist. Whitman’s expression ‘I contain multitudes’ might ...
There are no experts on Jerusalem. The city is too complex, its history too long, too shrouded in the mists of time, and its conquerors almost too numerous to count. It’s a city that thrives on its ...
Karolina Placzynta is a researcher for the Decoding Antisemitism project at the Centre for Research on Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin. She explains the methodology and the main findings of ...
‘Palestine is everywhere’ proclaimed a window-sign I saw on a recent visit to Brooklyn. What could this possibly mean? As a matter of geography, it is obviously incorrect — Palestine is not everywhere ...
The late writings of Robert Fine, who died in 2018, can help us understand the manifold connections between the Enlightenment roots and the contemporary forms of left antisemitism. He understood that ...