The soldiers went missing after their armored vehicle became submerged in a peat bog during a training exercise.
Max L. Collazo broke into the Montclair Film Festival building on Bloomfield Avenue through the front door at 1:40 a.m. on ...
Oleksandr Syrskyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, has stated that Russian forces have lost almost 10,000 ...
A Smithfield man called CBS 42 News saying a city-owned fitness center in his neighborhood is full of broken equipment ...
Kathy Quimbach was a nongame information specialist for the state's Division of Fish and Wildlife, and part of her job ...
General sightings of a bobcat can be reported to MassWildlife at [email protected] or (508) 389-6300. If the animal is ...
A vote on Tuesday, March 18 creates a bobcat trapping season in the state, with an annual limit of 250 of the predators.
(INDIANA CAPITAL CHRONICLE) — After receiving more than 3,000 public comments, Indiana’s Natural Resources Commission on ...
Indiana will permit up to 250 bobcats to be trapped and killed from Nov. 8 through Jan. 31 as part of an effort to control ...
The newly approved trapping season for bobcats will take place from Nov. 8 to Jan. 31 and includes a statewide quota of 250 ...
The season will run from Nov. 8 to Jan. 31 and allows licensed trappers to harvest one bobcat a year, to a statewide maximum ...
Indiana’s Natural Resources Commission has approved a bobcat trapping season in 40 southern Indiana counties, including Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland.