If you depend on federal student loans, Pell grants or another type of federal financial aid to pay for your tuition, you might be worried about the federal funding freeze that was announced and ...
Republicans are looking to cut or eliminate nearly a dozen student loan and federal aid programs administered by the ...
The Trump administration’s pause on federal grant programs sent shock waves through schools and colleges Tuesday. A judge temporarily blocked the action.
Many are unclear on how sweeping the federal funding freeze is intended to be. Here are programs it could affect.
Williams was relieved to learn that student loans and Pell Grants ... Torges emphasized that the freeze on certain funding was rescinded and that federal student aid is not at risk.
Could Trump’s freeze on federal loans and grants impact my student aid? - The Department of Education said that discretionary grants will be the ‘only’ program impacted by the pause. A judge has ...
SNAP (food assistance), federal student loans, housing assistance, and disaster relief. Additionally, federal funding supports public schools, transportation projects, and military operations.
Officials said the order, which was later rescinded, didn't affect FAFSA because the order excluded programs providing direct ...
HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro on Thursday sued agencies under President Donald Trump, saying they are illegally and unconstitutionally withholding billions in federal aid from ...
The Trump admin's federal funding freeze will not impact individual assistance going directly to Americans, Karoline Leavitt ...