SAN DIEGO — California Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones introduced a bill this week that would make it harder for local law ...
Session, legislators in both houses are subject to a 2-year limit of 35 bills. But did the lower caps actually produce fewer ...
California state lawmakers have announced a bill that would ban the sale of new or refurbished disposable electronic ...
So why not, Rogers wants to know, "designate Bigfoot as the official state cryptid"? That's... pretty much the bill, which ...
With help from famed former judge Leo Strine, Delaware lawmakers have raced to propose a bill friendlier to controlling ...
Amid concerns about children using antiaging products that can harm their skin, a legislator introduces a bill that would ban ...
Proposed legislation could make California one of only a handful of states that require insurers to disclose denial rates and ...
If a recently introduced California bill becomes law, the state will be able to maintain or strengthen current federal limits ...
Since 2015, bills from the state’s three biggest utilities have risen between 70% and 100%, outpacing the rate of inflation.
Virtual power plants, which could save state ratepayers an estimated $550 million per year, are connected aggregations of ...
Meanwhile, the cost of wildfires and wildfire mitigation is another reason electricity rates are high in California.