Two samples were used. One expert panel (five physicians and four registered nurses), who gave their opinion on the content validity, and one of 71 patients with IBS (mean age 38 years SD +13 ...
Maybe you’ve noticed you can’t eat the same foods you used to. Or that your go-to drink prevents you from ever ... well ... going. When managing irritable bowel ...
Psychological interventions:- Are the psychological interventions [cognitive behavioural therapy] (CBT), hypnotherapy and psychological therapy all equally effective in the management of [Irritable ...
IBS symptoms include alternate constipation and diarrhoea, wind and nausea, thought to be caused by the gut contracting abnormally. Each person with IBS can react quite differently to food, but ...
Many people with PCOS find that they’re able to manage their symptoms by making changes to their diet. This often includes consuming more high fiber foods and lean protein and limiting refined ...
With many U.S. states passing laws that legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, you may be wondering if medical marijuana would be a helpful treatment option for your irritable bowel ...
You should be able to eat the following proteins with confidence if you have IBS: White meat chicken White meat turkey Lean pork Lean cuts of beef (such as sirloin, filet, top round, eye round, and ...
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