Not surprisingly, the turtle farm is a major national attraction and commercial activity ... There will be no problems with souvenirs and other similar paraphernalia. The islands are considered ...
A 4-year-old donkey found wandering in Chatham County was auctioned off after no owner came forward to claim him.
SACRAMENTO — A California couple pleaded guilty after exposing a series of wildlife crimes, including illegally smuggling the skull of an endangered sea turtle, to state Fish and Wildlife ...
It was my life.” At one point, he even had to hunt a turtle – not for its meat but for its blood since he didn’t have anything else to drink. Not long after that, a hopeful sign finally arrived.
The passengers also showed the officers the skull of an endangered sea turtle they were smuggling in a carry-on bag during the flight. By Alexandra E. Petri On a flight to Sacramento in November ...
One turtle had died. The name listed as the sender on the packages was fake, federal prosecutors said. The turtles were bound in socks to protect their shells and so they could not move and alert ...
Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) An eastern box ...
Not only that, the couple had a trophy of their own, the skull of a green sea turtle, and it was with them aboard that very plane. The passengers in the row ahead were sure to have listened with ...
The nonprofit is also building a first-of-its-kind Native Seed Center at Cape Elizabeth Land Trust’s Turkey Hill Farm, where plants will grow among natural seed banks, along the woodland edge ...