"Bottle Episode" is the thirteenth episode of the thirty-sixth season of the American animated television series The Simpsons, and the 781st episode overall. It aired in the United States on Fox on ...
Fans of the 80s cult classic "Heathers" is coming to the stage as a musical but it's still darker than ever in a high-energy ...
Praise the heavens, we have a premiere date for the fourth and final season of “.” The Danny McBride comedy will premiere on HBO and Max on March 9. Kayla has covered the TV industry for more then ...
The comedy series returns with new episodes on March 9. As Variety previously reported, the fourth season of the popular ...
GUNSMOKE was the longest-running TV prime-time series until THE SIMPSONS and has 20 years of episodes available. It first ...
The end is in sight for The Conners. ABC has set a March 26 premiere date for the comedy’s seventh and final season. The ...
The stories of salmon and orcas in the Pacific Northwest are linked. Their paths intermingle in a vast web of ecosystems and coevolved species.
Roughly two decades ago, as many television aficionados tell it, the story of a beleaguered Los Angeles police station and its renegade strike team, led by Det. Vic Mackey, not ...
Great news for all Resident Alien fans! The offbeat sci-fi comedy-drama from NBCUniversal is set to return for Season 4.
In the world of must-see TV, there's no such thing as too much of a good thing. If a show becomes a ratings smash, why not ...
Then again, there have been many acclaimed TV show revivals that proved successful, such as the fourth season of Veronica ...
This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Music company says debut track, Til the Nights Done, is the first of many on the way under a label the young Trudeau co ...