While the court has not yet issued a ruling on the merits of any of its cases, it continues to rule on jurisdictional ...
Ulster County Clerk Taylor Bruck’s rejection of a ruling against Margaret Carpenter, who mailed abortion pills, will likely ...
The presumption of innocence is a cornerstone of our justice system. In Hawaii, judges have several pretrial release options: ...
Trump’s administration is dismantling disability rights and education. History has shown this can be a warning sign for all ...
A New York county clerk used the state’s shield law to stop Texas from punishing a New York doctor for prescribing and ...
A county clerk in New York has refused to file a more than $100,000 judgment from Texas against a New York doctor accused of ...
Senate Bill 31 supporters say it would clarify when doctors should intervene to save a pregnant woman’s life, but critics say ...
A petition by Faithful America says Donald Trump wants public schools to indoctrinate children "with a certain form of ...
The bill comes after ProPublica’s reporting on the deaths of three Texas women. It specifies that doctors don’t need to wait ...
The remaining plaintiffs in the case are organizations representing Latino and Black voters, with a trial set to begin May 21 ...
"General Motors and OnStar turned a supposed safety feature into a way to make money, profiting off Indiana drivers without ...