The Tribunal emphasized that procedural lapses should not override substantive tax benefits unless the law explicitly mandates strict compliance. ITAT Ahmedabad ultimately ruled in favor of the ...
For being late on her bills ... “It behooves me to never lose sight of the fact that there are people who are living on the edge,” said Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector Celia Israel ...
Many taxpayers look forward to getting a tax refund. However, is it always the best decision to take the cash now? Some experts ... “No matter your age, it’s never too early to set aside ...
Waiting until the IRS deadline to file taxes can be costly ... restaurants, and now personal finance. Most recently he worked as a retail editor at Business Insider. He is a graduate of the ...
It can always be used to top up or even fully provide your retirement income with absolutely zero tax costs,' Donnelly said. If you take Roth accounts out of the equation for now, you are ...
This move is expected to particularly benefit small and medium enterprises (SMEs), allowing them to operate more efficiently without unnecessary tax deductions affecting their capital. Until now, ...
Here’s hoping such a tax never goes through. As this column has made plain quite a bit, including last week, carried interest it not income. How unfortunate to tax investment returns achieved in ...
However, given the unpredictability of the legislative process, proactive planning now will provide the greatest ability to mitigate potential tax exposure later. Estate planners and their clients ...
Renewed talks of a possible wealth tax now that the state has to find other revenue sources, may present an opportune time for wealthy South African expatriates or those planning to emigrate ...
IEA members and other pro-public school education voters sent thousands of emails and letters in opposition of the bill, now turned law, that gives a tax credit to parents of private school students.
"So, what the state of West Virginia did is that instead of basing our boundaries for sales tax purposes on the zip code plus four, they are now using ... fact that they've never been within ...