In the forests, fields, and backyards of North America, the striped skunk is an unmistakable sight. Its bold black-and-white stripes are more than just a fashion statement—they’re a warning. But why ...
If a skunk is denning under your porch, place lattice up from the ground to the deck to keep the skunk out. You might also ...
The striped skunk is stout-bodied with short legs and a long, bushy, coarsely-furred tail. The head is broad at the base with short, tapered muzzle and short, rounded ears. The eyes are small and ...
The National Aviary just added 10 new animal ambassadors to its collection, and not all of them are birds. The group arrived ...
Skunks are native to in North America, with the striped skunk being most common, the Wild Farm Alliance said. "The word 'skunk' originates from Native American Algonquian languages, possibly ...
It's skunk mating season in Kansas and that means skunks are on the move. Striped skunks are classified as furbearing animals ...
The Upstate is home to both striped and spotted skunks, though striped are more common, he said. A member of the weasel family, skunks inhabit clearings, pastures and open lands with forested ...
How bad is the smell? Truly overwhelming. Six striped skunks are kept and displayed at the Kobe Animal Kingdom in Kobe. Skunks inhabit grasslands and forested areas in the United States.
Skunks are native to in North America, with the striped skunk being most common, the Wild Farm Alliance said. "The word 'skunk' originates from Native American Algonquian languages, possibly meaning ...