It’s Zohran Mamdani, the 33-year-old democratic socialist and upstart NYC mayoral candidate who is comfortable taking stages ...
The committee, noting that a directive to district employees barring social media friendships and text messages with students ...
The policy sets guidelines for the use of district-owned social media and how the public can interact with it.
The ruling follows the district’s attempt to ban the parent from school property because of its bullying policy.
After hours of public comment, Thompson's school board passed a resolution reaffirming support for all students' “safety and ...
The Schuylkill Haven School District’s proposed social media policy is deeply flawed. (“Board reviewing new social media rules,” Reading Eagle, March 18) By establishing official school accounts, ...
The policies at Dover Area School District passed with a 7-2 vote, but not without the school board president taking time to ...
Gov. Kim Reynolds' bill banning classroom cellphone use heads back to the House after receiving bipartisan support in the Senate.
What was Netflix’s Adolescence? An undoubtedly skilled portrayal of provoking fiction by an ensemble of gifted actors. What is it not? A fly-on-the-wall documentary that should be used as a ...
Institutions serving South Bend-area immigrant communities try to stop misinformation, educate on rights, and craft policies ...
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) -Two Huntsville city school board members are taking their concerns over federal policy changes to social media. Over a thousand hateful comments and DM’s have been popping up ...