How gravity causes a perfectly spherical ball to roll down an inclined plane is part of the elementary school physics canon.
Masaki Kashiwara, this year’s Abel Prize winner, co-founded a new field of mathematics called algebraic analysis ...
Cristina Roccati graduated from the University of Bologna when few other Italian women earned degrees, and she taught physics ...
Bernhard Mehlig chosen for Guest Professorship at the Göttingen Academy of… Bernhard Mehlig, professor of physics at the University of Gothenburg, has been selected for a guest professorship—a Gauss… ...
This four-year MSci programme offers an outstanding education in the thriving fields of science and medical physics. You will gain a strong foundation in core physics as well as specialist knowledge ...
This three-year programme offers a variant of the advanced study offered in the Physics BSc. You will develop specialised knowledge of the theoretical structure of the core topics in physics. The ...