The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia explained that the meeting was held on the sidelines of the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM) in Johannesburg, South Africa. During the meeting with ...
Indonesia’s senior diplomat has emphasized ... Second Deputy Foreign Minister Arrmanatha Nasir made the statement at the two-day G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (FMM) in Johannesburg, South ...
the G20 has seen a shift towards greater representation of the Global South. With consecutive presidencies by Indonesia (2022), India (2023), Brazil (2024), and now South Africa. There's a ...
Indonesia plans to launch sales of carbon offsets from its forestry sector soon, while authorities work on recognising ...
G20 finance ministers last failed to produce a statement in Sao Paulo in February last year due to disagreements over the war in Ukraine and fighting in the Middle East.
An Africa Expert Panel, chaired by former Finance Minister Trevor Manuel, has been established by South Africa's Presidency of the G20 from the beginning of December in an effort to raise ...
Lavrov traveled to Johannesburg for the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting two days after landmark bilateral talks between the United States and Russia over ending the war in Ukraine. Those talks ...
Jayapura (ANTARA) - Kadin Papua menilai jika Papua Nugini (PNG) --negara kepulauan di Pasifik Barat Daya yang berbatasan dengan Indonesia-- merupakan pasar potensial bagi berbagai produk Tanah Air, ...