Binning gum is not the solution either. Addressing gum as a plastic pollutant dictates that the prevention of gum pollution ...
Chewing gum had a strange way of being an important part of our ... Were you chewing for the flavor, bubble potential, ...
When Nate Mal suffered through an excruciating toothache that led to an extraction, he made an unlikely pivot: He decided to revolutionize chewing gum ... from the packaging to the name to ...
Do not flush wipes. Experts say doing so can cause problems for fresh water, marine life, your plumbing, and more.
Science journalist and self-proclaimed eco-nerd Ziya Tong had her home, food and body tested for microplastics while making the documentary Plastic People.
Studies have found microplastics in almost every part of the human body, from the brain to the heart... but there could be a ...
With the award-winning pet retailer Jollyes opening a brand-new store in Pontefract, its pet expert is advising pet owners of ...