Sie war eine streitbare Kämpferin, die, auch wenn sie alleinstand, keiner Auseinandersetzung aus dem Wege ging. Vor allem ...
Vier Jahre verbrachte der kommunistische Widerstandskämpfer Dagobert Biermann unfreiwillig im Zuchthaus Oslebshausen. Der ...
Party General Secretary and State President To Lam on September 17 received Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam He Wei, who came to ...
Stefan Natke, a member of the Presidium of the Communist Party of Germany (CPG) and Secretary of the CPG’s Berlin Branch has ...
Frank Castorfs macht mit Falladas „Kleiner Mann – was nun?“ am Berliner Ensemble einen Höllenritt durch die Ideologien des 20 ...
Dwight Eisenhower could have removed Patton from command and sent him back to the US, but did not because he knew Patton was an aggressive commander who would press the German army all the way to ...