Scientists checked in on species all over the country for the latest State of the Birds report. Nearly everywhere they looked, birds were struggling—including some that have been resilient in ...
Vancouver Audubon recently released the results of its annual Christmas bird count. On Dec. 15, volunteers counted 93,302 birds in a single day. Results were published in the organization’s ...
Marlene Hoffman found her passion in bird watching and carried it over to her organization. Now president of Audubon Miami ...
This winter marks the 125th year of Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count, in which bird nerds across the Western Hemisphere venture outside to record all the birds they see and hear. Scientists use that ...
Karla McManus, explores the history of bird photography and discusses its lessons, including the evolving technology of ...
So what does this surge mean for people who feed birds? Feeders don’t currently present a major risk of spread, experts told Audubon, especially as the virus doesn’t commonly infect the songbirds that ...
Audubon’s Birds of America opens March 8 at HMNS (members see it first March 7), and will showcase a rare opportunity to see ...