If you’re in your 30s, 40s or 50s, dementia might feel like a distant concern, something you associate with advanced age.
Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by a host of recognizable cognitive symptoms, but many non-cognitive symptoms like changes in sleep, anxiety and depression can be early signs of the disease.
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is characterized by a host of recognizable cognitive symptoms, but many non-cognitive symptoms like ...
Hazard ratio for clinical decline in Clinical Dementia Rating-Sum of Boxes was 0.53 for those treated with gantenerumab the longest ...
Research shows experimental anti-amyloid drug reduced cognitive symptom risk by 50% in people with rare genetic mutations ...
A clinical trial involving individuals genetically predisposed to develop early-onset Alzheimer’s disease suggests that ...
An experimental drug reduced the risk of developing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by half in people with a rare genetic ...
For the study, the researchers gave the study participants an experimental anti-amyloid drug. They found that 22 participants ...
The brain's immune cells removed plaques and helped restore a healthier environment in the brains of immunized patients. For over 30 years, scientists have focused on treating Alzheimer’s disease by ...
A study examining the long-term effects of anti-amyloid therapy gantenerumab suggests that full amyloid plaque removal may help reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms in individuals at risk for dominantly ...
Washington University School of Medicine led a study evaluating long-term gantenerumab treatment in individuals with dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease (DIAD). Gantenerumab was associated with ...