4,000, 300 VMS sites, a further 1,400 safety signs can be used to manage local traffic in the event of incidents and emergencies The National Traffic Control Centre (NTCC) based in the West Midlands ...
As part of China’s preparations to host the 2008 Olympics, an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is being developed to cope with the traffic during the event. Beijing, the Olympics host city, is ...
Golden Quadrilateral is a network of highways connecting India’s four top metropolitan cities, namely Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata, thereby, forming a quadrilateral. The largest highway project ...
October 2006; Bridge scrapped by Italian parliamentary vote.
The M6 is one of the major arterial roads running along the backbone of the UK. However, the M6 at junction 44 reverts to being a dual carriageway (the A74) which is a bottleneck (A74 carries 44,000 ...
In June 1992, the Norwegian Parliament decided to construct the world’s longest road tunnel. The 24.5km-long stretch of tunnel stretches between Aurland and Laerdal on the new main highway connecting ...
The Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP) was launched by the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) to improve the infrastructural network in Gauteng. The GFIP is the single ...
Societé de Construction de l'Autoroute de traversee de l'Ouest Parisien (Socatop), VINCI, Eiffage Construction and Colas, SENDIN, Bernold-Ceresola AG, PERI S.A.S. France, RB-PIM, Simpra, Bonnard & ...
The Ara Tuhono – Puhoi to Wellsford project is proposed to upgrade New Zealand’s State Highway-1 (SH-1), which extends between Puhoi and Wellsford regions in northern Auckland. The project is one of ...
The El Bicho Tunnel is located in the Santiago del Teide Valley of Tenerife Island, the largest and most populous of the Canary Islands in Spain. El Bicho is a twin tunnel, passing 1km through the ...
The Fehmarn Belt link is scheduled to bridge the gap in the Northern Europe economic straits. Connecting cities of Stockholm, Copenhagen, Hamburg and Berlin, the fixed link is slated to be the largest ...
Panama City is one city in Central America where congestion has reached crisis point. The city is going through an unprecedented period of stability and investment and there are ample public funds for ...