Incorporation of the sub-holding Natureza, SGPS, S.A., that aggregates the existing investments in genuinely Portuguese natural products that offer very high quality. It adds the Port wine brands - ...
Cork is such a perfect raw material that no industrial, laboratory or technological process has yet been able to emulate its characteristics. More than 50% of the volume of cork is air, which means ...
Cork oak forests (which in Portuguese are called montados) occupy an area estimated to be over 2.1 million hectares in the Western Mediterranean basin. Portugal, Spain, Morocco and Algeria jointly ...
The Desert Whisper is an exclusive private retreat, in the midst of the Namibian desert. Creatively constructed with sublime desert views, this one-of-a-kind intimate desert hideaway is a special ...
Legendary waves demand legendary surfboards. Portuguese cork was the material chosen for Garrett McNamara’s new surfboard, developed in a partnership between Mercedes-Benz Portugal and Corticeira ...
Cork has made a key contribution to the Colegio Mayor Colombiano in Madrid - providing the ideal environment for students' cultural, scientific, sports and social education. The architect Silka Barrio ...
Cork has been used as a closure for thousands of years. From amphorae to wine and sparkling wine bottles, we have the most renowned examples of authors and brands who have used this noble material. In ...
A Corticeira Amorim é o maior grupo de transformação de cortiça do mundo, contribuindo como nenhum outro player para o negócio, para o mercado, para a economia, para a inovação e para a ...
Construído com 5500 m 2 de cortiça cedida pela Corticeira Amorim, o pavilhão de Portugal na Expo 2010 Xangai surpreendeu pela sua originalidade. O projeto, do arquiteto Carlos Couto, foi desenvolvido ...
Matéria-prima fora-de-série, agregadora de um conjunto de propriedades que nenhum material artificial foi capaz de replicar, a cortiça está num processo crescente de demanda em setores como o da ...
In addition to their unquestionable value in environmental terms, Portugal's forests and the companies operating in the forestry sector are extremely important in the Portuguese economy - contributing ...
Corticeira Amorim, in partnership with Natural Grass, has developed a new solution for natural turf used in four stadiums during UEFA Euro 2016 in France. The innovative technology of AirFibr ...