Accused "Pam the Bird" graffiti artist Jack Gibson-Burrell has applied for bail again after losing his first bid because of his alleged risk of reoffending.
A prominent graffiti artist allegedly behind the infamous Pam the birds tags is making another bid for freedom with a friend offering a $30,000 surety.
The alleged graffiti artist behind the notorious Pam the Bird murals has returned to court for a second crack at being released from custody. Jack Gibson-Burrell, 21, was arrested on January 30 ...
He launched a second bid for freedom at Melbourne Magistrates ... by police in connection with Melbourne's iconic 'Pam the Bird' graffiti. Picture: Victoria Police Joan Bell gave evidence ...
The accused graffiti vandal behind "Pam the Bird" has made a fresh bid for freedom, with his grandmother promising to keep him in line if he is released.