Specifically, the findings support the hypothesis that supernovae could have triggered two of the so-called "big five" mass ...
Some of the most massive and influential stars in the universe are OB stars. These blue giants, many times more massive than ...
This stunning new image of a spiral galaxy — and a very bright star above it — was recently captured by the Hubble Space ...
A blizzard of extremely high-energy particles seen here following a star's spectacular death in the constellation Taurus ...
A team of Japanese researchers has harnessed the power of AI to uncover hidden structures in our galaxy. Using deep learning ...
Explosions in the sky and explosions on land are literally worlds apart. A supernova and a land mine explosion don't seem ...
To learn more about the deepest reaches of our own galaxy and the mysteries of star formation, Japanese researchers have ...
They believe a supernova explosion close to Earth could be to ... The red supergiant star Betelgeuse was captured by the Herschel Space Observatory. There are only two nearby stars that could ...
A supernova explosion can briefly have the power of up ... Supernovae play a vital role in spreading heavy elements around interstellar space, which in turn sparks the formation of new stars.
At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the "devastating" effects of nearby supernova explosions, a new study suggests. Researchers at Keele University say ...