Hundreds of people turned out Monday morning to witness something that for many was a once in a lifetime experience.
Large drifts place large deformation demands on other bridge components, such as shear studs and steel girders. Damage to these components may lead to permanent deformations in the superstructure, ...
This humble, easily ignored feature found on so many rail lines is certainly not as glamorous as a larger steel truss or multi-span plate girder bridges, but they are an essential infrastructural ...
Pinsly Railroad, formerly known as RailUSA ... Bare concrete can be seen on the underside of the Graffiti Bridge after a steel girder was shifted several feet follow a truck strike.
Around 20 workers and 10 security personnel were involved in installing the steel girder on piers that serve as the foundations for the bridge. Eight men, in their 30s to 70s, are believed to have ...
In an information session Wednesday evening, the Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission and engineering ...
Pinsly Railroad, formerly known as RailUSA ... safe and reliable and trains could still use the bridge, Linn said. Linn added that the steel girders will be reset to their original location ...