From dumb one-liners and knock-knocks to corny puns on Santa Claus, elves, reindeer, snowmen and just about everything else related to Christmas, this collection of funny gags is guaranteed to ...
This is the story of a master toymaker who discovers a magical kingdom of elves in the North Pole and becomes Santa Claus. But when his eager-to-please elf, Patch, leaves for the big streets of ...
The Lumistella Co. is unveiling a special edition Elf on the Shelf for the icon's 20th anniversary. | Source: The Lumistella ...
Sunday is your very last chance to get to Plant City for the Florida Strawberry Festival. With record-breaking numbers already, visitors continued to pour in for the fun, food and of course, all ...
from Lapland - called Santa Claus? Maybe we should ask its chief elf. Pat Koch (pronounced ‘Cook’) is 93 and has been heavily involved with the festive aspects of the Santa Claus community for ...
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