Many of Neptune's moons are thought to be objects from the Kuiper Belt at the edge of our solar system that got caught in Neptune's gravity. The two new Neptunian moons have been named S/2002 N5 ...
The smaller of Neptune's new moons, on the other hand, was a much greater challenge. To identify the super-faint Neptunian moon now called S/2021 N1, Sheppard worked with David Tholen of the ...
Charon, the largest and most well-studied of Pluto’s five moons, was first visited in 2015 ... and evolution of surface environments on Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) like Pluto and Charon.
A team of astronomers have discovered a rather curious exoplanetary system that has two gas giant planets that are messing up each other’s orbit! On of them is 3.8 times the mass of Jupiter and ...