Multiple therapeutic options are available for the management of patients with upper urinary tract transitional cell carcinoma (TCC ... or bulky tumors of the distal ureter not amenable to ...
transitional cell carcinoma, and Wilms tumor. They share many common symptoms, such as blood in your urine, pain or a lump in your lower back, unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite ...
such as cell cycle arrest or programmed cell death. As a mass of cancerous cells grows, it can develop into a tumor. Cancer cells can also invade neighboring tissues and sometimes even break off ...
Kidney cancer-- also called renal cell ... tumor cells grow. HIF inhibitors. This type of targeted therapy is used in people who have kidney cancer that doesn't immediately require surgery (such ...
Ashfaq Marghoob provides skin cancer care to the residents ... cure rate of all therapies for squamous cell carcinomas. It is particularly effective for high-risk squamous cell carcinomas, such as ...
While upper-tract transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) accounts for only 5 ... less invasive alternatives such as endoscopic ablation or segmental ureterectomy also have a role in treatment Although ...