Of this quantity 800,000 were riveted up by hand on the tower itself, during the work of fixing together the finished pieces which had been completed at M ... level of the first story is marked ...
Finished in 2018, the gardens lead you around different ... Absolutely! You should consider the Eiffel Tower as unmissable on your first time Paris itinerary. It’s so iconic and it will live up to ...
ExperienceFirst was the first tour operator to offer guided climbs of the Eiffel Tower. The company’s expertise in group tours is evident on each of the five tower climbs it leads daily.
This piece of the medal contains fragments of iron that were removed from the Eiffel Tower and preserved during renovations in the 20th century. The outer part of the medal is meant to catch the light ...
The first time, in 1909, the tower was kept around because of its potential as a transmission tower (an antenna was installed atop the tower). Gustav Eiffel, chief architect of the Eiffel Tower ...
For a slightly more budget-friendly experience, head to the first-floor terrace all summer long for a small pizza, ice cream and wine with excellent views. You can reach the Eiffel Tower via Line ...