Though the Bible says a lot about Jesus Christ, it says very little about what he actually looked like. And it took centuries ...
A short life and brutal death was enough to ensure that Jesus’ message of hope and everlasting life would spread across Judaea, across the Empire and ultimately, across the world. One of the ...
Latter-day Saint artists add their creative gifts to the collective witness of the Christian world that a baby born 2,025 ...
The images of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ at the Allentown Art Museum are not only breathtaking, they're also a glimpse ...
This is just the first of Vatican City's many puzzles ... Each of them has a different painting of Jesus and, when you pour wine into the basin, will display a number in Roman numerals.
This is just the first of Vatican City's many puzzles ... Each of them has a different painting of Jesus and, when you pour wine into the basin, will display a number in Roman numerals.