Police told The Fresno Bee that Sanchez had 13 years of experience with the parole officer. CDCR said that both the AG’s office and the Fresno Police Department are investigating the incident.
An inmate is being investigated for the attempted murder of a peace officer on Tuesday at Salinas Valey State Prison, ...
Court testimony showed that was involved in the plot, but did not actually shoot the agents. Crock is encouraging people to express their opposition to the. parole board at ...
An alleged attack on a state prison officer ... mug shot. (CDCR) The 43-year-old, who was transferred to SVSP in 2008 after being sentenced to life with the possibility of parole for second ...
A four-time convicted killer was allowed to have private family visits in prison. Now, there is a murder investigation underway after one of his visitors died.