"Die Hard" introduced the world to detective John McClane, but more than that, the 1988 thriller launched a hugely successful franchise and Bruce Willis' movie career. While he had some film work ...
Usually, “drop the remote” movies tend to be comedies, which explains why Christopher Nolan named some top Will Ferrell ...
Check out Bruce Willis' top-paying Hollywood movies, highlighting his strategic salary negotiations and record-breaking ...
Bruce Willis made a lot of bad movies in his career, but there was one he openly blasted in public for being a black mark on ...
He says this with a laugh but it reinforces just how much Willis (who was not even the bankable movie star this thriller would make him into yet) was willing to risk for the production.
Have you ever heard of a “drop the remote” movie? It implies that a particular movie is so good, if you should encounter it while channel surfing – no matter what part the film happens to be ...