AN ALZHEIMER’S drug hailed as a ‘miracle’ medicine for dementia may cause life-threatening brain bleeds in a third of ...
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use for over 2 years was associated with a lower risk for dementia, especially ...
Researchers have discovered that a person's "bioenergetic age," reflecting how efficiently cells produce energy, strongly ...
Scientists have found further evidence that long-term use of common over-the-counter pain medication such as aspirin and ...
When she died, the doctor conducted an autopsy, finding in her brain two suspicious proteins: sticky plaques between her ...
Scientists at Scripps Research developed a stable form of carnosic acid, which enhanced memory function and improved ...
A new study out of Japan has found that regularly consuming this beverage can reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia —as well as prevent cancer and heart disease.
Rather than seeking a single cure — a magic bullet — for Alzheimer’s disease, a shotgun blast of different drugs with ...
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common condition that causes problems with memory and thinking skills, which is to say that ...
The study observed how exposure to toxins and inflammation can lead to S-nitrosylation that can disrupt healthy brain ...
In a nutshell Simple 40-hertz light and sound stimulation can induce brain rhythms that reduce Alzheimer’s pathology and ...