The switch to daylight saving time is coming this weekend, even as a bill to keep Utah on standard time all year long was ...
The bill differs from what the House approved last week. Here’s what the latest bill includes, and what it leaves out.
The bill would have reduced the penalty for hosting or participating in cockfighting from a felony to a misdemeanor and ...
Hawaii’s House of Representatives has passed an online sports betting bill. The measure now heads to the Senate floor.
They worry Senate Bill 89 will dismantle long-standing water protections and potentially jeopardize access to clean water for ...
The Senate voted 41-1 to approve the bill and send it to the House, where lawmakers have proposed their own bill.
The status of bill in the General Assembly that removes parental choice to opt out students from lessons on gender identity ...
Trudeau’s bill comes at a time when the broader Muslim community has a “target on our backs,” the lawmaker said Feb. 26 on ...